Name: Marcus Goh Shao Hao
Age: 17
School : Tampines ITE
Race: Chinese
Birthday: 12 March 1993
Status: Currently single
Likes : Anime ! Manga !
Hates : Violence. Seeing girls cry.
Yo yo yo ! Long time no blogin man ! Kindda busy nowadays ... Have to work , go for tuition , sleep , eat and etc ... Okay , i learnt something today called kindness . I was going downstairs to fetch my younger bro from school , and there is this foreign worker in the lift , he was carrying a cart or something like that and the moment he saw me , he talked in a language which i do not understand but i might guess he is telling me to come in the lift as he shift his cart to the extreme left and smiles politely at me , man , was i happy and i immediately thank him and when it reached the first floor , he smiled at me and said thanks as i pressed the door open for him . This shows that there are still good people out there , so races doesn't matter , its the person that has the problem not the race , but there are always cases of people judging one person by their race because of some idiots who throw the faces of their own race . Thats all for today people . Byes !